Change artist name and make new release

Hi everyone, I’m looking to change my artist name (already have an EP published with iMusician), and make a new release under this name, so that I can have the old EP and my new album on the same page. Is that possible, and how so ?
Thanks !


Hello @Rav

It is not possible to change the artist name

You must drop the old EP and republishes it on the new name.

I tag @Carlos and @Melani from iMusician support to give you more info to update your songs.

The support is closed the week-end and during holidays.



Hi @A2D , thank you very much for your quick answer. I’ll wait for more info from your collegues.
Happy holidays !


Hey @Rav,

I confirm what @A2D said; you cannot change your artist name on releases that are online. Therefore, you’ll need to request a takedown of these release, wait 4 weeks and then recreate the releases under your new artist name :slight_smile:


Hey @Carlos, thank you for your reply !
Okay, I would need to have my first single out on January 12th 2024. So would it be possible to make the new releases now under the new artist name, while requesting a takedown of the old releases so that I can re-publish them later ?
Just another question, what release date would be displyed for the old release that I would republish ? Would it be the time at which I made the re-release (2024), or can I enter the original release date (2022) ?

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Hey @Rav,

Unfortunately no, you need to wait for the takedown to be fully processed before recreating the release (4 weeks as I’ve mentionned in my previous answer).

It depends on what you prefer. You can either enter the original release when creating the new release (see this thread) or leave 2024 :slight_smile:


Okay, thanks for your help ! :slight_smile: