Music Promotion - What works for you? [MegaPost]

We’ll also be doing some research with users as they upload to make more improvements, I’ll let @Susann know if you’re interested in participating?

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3 posts were split to a new topic: AI Scanning for picking a genre

would be great! but we are not yet ready for release :grimacing: but if that offer will still be up when we will, we’d love tooo :innocent:

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Excellent conseil à suivre surtout pour accroître son audience en ce qui concerne @LIIX1 .

Nous faisons principalement de l’Afrobeat et aimeront avoir de bonnes directions afin de se faire écouter de plus en plus. Merci d’étudier notre cas si vous avez un peu de temps pour nous :relieved::pray:t5:

LIIX cordialement.

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So regarding Music Promotion, at least in my field (film, games and television soundtracks) the most important aspect is real life networking. Of course it helps having a fan-base and views on your music but most important are the real life connections with producers/developers/directors. If a film you’re working on is successful, your OST will be successful. Just look at Zimmer.

Additionally, regarding your questions @NuArt , I’d speak with the director to help promote your soundtrack together with the movie. And if you have the possibility, speak with some of the actors, maybe they’ll help you promote the music.

So answering @SimonG 's questions, as a film music composer i’m

  1. Focused on growing my professional social circle (mingling with music composers, sound designers, directors, developers and producers)
  2. Trying to narrow down my social media content to be as clear as it can be. and focused to my target audience.
  3. Biggest challenge is finding music composing gigs that match my composing style.


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2 posts were split to a new topic: Michal Habrda / NuArt

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@zirnoise - Definitely a super interesting Topic regarding your specific “genre” / field.

When you “reach out” (apologies, Americanism :laughing: ) to actors do you do so in real life or also ask them to promote on social media?

Also - what works for you in terms of “real life networking”… are there specific events or is it more just “old skool” getting to lunch / dinner with people?

So with actors, I try to make them interested in the music i write for the movie. I tell them if the character they play has a personal musical theme and stuff like that. All it’s done face to face at film premieres. I think this kind of topic doesn’t really work in online.

Regarding the real life networking, in my country, the film industry is relatively small, so i still have all the connections i made in film school. Also there are many organic occasions, maybe a meet-up at someones studio, maybe a cinema test with a movie, maybe a film fest, stuff like that.

Most of my networking this year was done at Gopo Awards tho. These awards are my country’s take on the Oscars. I had the chance to win this years Best Sound Award and this opened a lot of doors and formed a lot of new connections in the industry.


Holy FFFF… Amazing work there!

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Thanks :pray:, it was fun working on that movie (Here’s the trailer). I had to make a lot of animal foley sounds.

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A post was split to a new topic: Trends / Streams counting on iMusician Dashboard

@zirnoise amazing! the animal sounds are really convincing!!! :smiley: I also like the music a lot, what is it?

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So the music was composed by a guy who also won at the best music category.

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@zirnoise, I will have to shazam it!!! definitely :smiley:

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Oh, here is the entire OST. The song is the intro one i think.

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amazing! thanks a lot!!

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Peut-etre pas vraiment lié à la promotion, mais dans le même but d’arriver à avoir un maximum de streams, y a t-il des dates de sortie à privilégier ?

Hey @minizool, I completely missed this message,

I can tell you now that we have a lot of releases before summer April - June and just before Christmas. Whether this is a good time to release or not it a different question… aka it could just be “noisy” and competing with others or there could be value in this trend.