2 profiles pour une même artiste sur Spotify

suite à ma nouvelle sortie, un nouveau profil artiste m’a été créé sur Spotify alors que j’en ai déjà un. Serait-il possible de rectifier ça svp?

-lien de la sortie sur Spotify: Spotify
-lien du mauvais profil: Spotify
-lien du bon profil: Spotify

Aussi, je voulais savoir comment obtenir un lien direct avec mon nom d’artiste car Page not found - Spotify ne fonctionne pas. Idem sur Deezer.



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Hello @Fairydrey,

Thanks for your reply and the links.

I’ve sent a request to Spotify for the release to be re-assigned correctly. Please note that it generally takes up to 3 weeks for the platforms to process these changes, so we thank you in advance for your patience.

Once it’s done, make sure to go to your iMusician Dashboard and link your artist name to your new Spotify and Apple Music artist profiles by following these steps: Release On The Correct Artist Profile | iMusician. This will make sure that both platforms assign your next release to the correct profile!

If you want to request access to your Spotify for Artists, please refer to this article by Spotify that explains the steps to follow: Getting access to Spotify for Artists - Spotify

What exactly you are referring to about Deezer?

Kudos for your music and wishing you a great day!

All the best,

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Hi @Melani,

Thank you for your reply :slight_smile:
About Spotify, Deezer, and the other platforms, I was wondering how I could get a direct link to my artist profile by just writing my artist name following the www.‘website’.com
Like: www . spotify . com / fairydrey or www . deezer . com / fairydrey
Which I think used to work but doesn’t anymore.


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Hey @Fairydrey, we are not providing links to the other shops as we are only able to request the Spotify profile in advance.

The suggestion is to search for your release on each platform and save them!

Kudos for your music and wishing you a great day!

All the best,

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