I signed up at imusician simply to put out a release on spotify, I paid the fee and have been waiting for over a month now for it to show up on spotify but it still hasn’t. Everything seems fine, it’s passed all the quality checks. Is this normal? Is there anyway a staff member can check to see what is going on?
Goodmorning all @cantheproducer and @pony!
Your release has been sent to the shops and it will be online on the 31st of December, the date you chose on the dashboard
Kudos for your music and wishing you a great day!
All the best,
Oh wow, I didn’t know I chose that.
Is it too late to change that date to something sooner?
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Hello @pony, sorry, it is now too late and modifications are only possible to AMPLIFY+ artists.
Kudos for your music and wishing you a great day!
All the best,