A Few Questions About Account Setup, Label Setup And Release Process

Hello there.

I’m a newbie with an Amplify + account and glad to be here. My genre is electronic / dance and I want to distribute to Beatport and Spotify.

My questions are as follows:

  1. I want 1 label name through which to release as two artist names for separate songs. So like

Lable name = AB Music
Artist 1 releases Techno through AB Music as Barry The Bear
Artist 2 releases Funky House through AB Music as Large Egg Suit

I have read that this is OK. Can you please confirm?

Do I simply add multiple artist names to my iMusician account and a singje label? At what stage do I do these things? Obviously I want things in place prior to release.

  1. Do I need to create accounts with all services that you will distribute my music too? Like Spotify, YouTube, Deezer and so on? Or is this done via a release? Or is it both? Also do I create artist and label profiles?

  2. What do I do with a track that has some collaboration work with a third party? No agreement is currently in place with said third party but it will need finalising and I’m wondering how best to manage this.

  3. Do I create an iMusician artist page separately for my 2 artists? Do I create a release page for a release and per artist? Does the label as mentioned above gave any presence here?


Hey @Alfonce :v:

Thank you for your message and welcome to the Community :slight_smile: :clap:

@Carlos from the iMusician Team will get back to you shortly.

Best regards,


Hello @Alfonce,

  1. “I have read that this is OK. Can you please confirm?”
    → Yes, it is. Make sure to read this article first : How To Distribute On Electronic Music Shops? | iMusician

  2. “Do I simply add multiple artist names to my iMusician account and a singje label? At what stage do I do these things?”
    → Exactly. These infos need to be added each time you are creating a new release.

  3. “Do I need to create accounts with all services that you will distribute my music too?”
    → No, the platforms create the artist profiles for you when they put your music online. After that, you need to claim your profiles via their respective channels (Spotify for Artists, Apple Music for Artists, Deezer for Creators, etc…).

  4. “What do I do with a track that has some collaboration work with a third party? No agreement is currently in place with said third party but it will need finalising and I’m wondering how best to manage this.”
    → Please clarify what needs “finalising”. It’s hard for me to answer you without further context.

  5. " Do I create an iMusician artist page separately for my 2 artists? Do I create a release page for a release and per artist? Does the label as mentioned above gave any presence here?"
    → You can create an Artist Page for each artist that appears in your iMusician library. You can create a Release Page for each release that appears in your iMusician library. Please define what you mean by “Does the label as mentioned above gave any presence here?”.



Hi Carlos.

Very helpful thanks. To clarify the few points as follows:

The collaboration is a verbal royalty split agreement of 50/50 of net profits. I just need this agreed in writing prior but we have agreed over email this structure.

By label for the last point. I was just asking if the created label had any links of or to the artist pages. Or is that just for Beatport and Traxsource.

Can I please ask 1 more question.

I really want the labels in place prior to a release. So do I go ahead and create that now? If it’s part of the release process then how to arrange that? Itsva bit chicken and egg for a first release. Like do I maybe set the release date to 4 or 5 weeks in the future? Then hope the timing works. Can I do this with a dummy track and simply drop the actual track in in a few weeks time? What if the release happens and the Beatport and Traxsource label has not happened yet?

Thanks again.

Hello @Alfonce,

  1. When it comes to royalties splitting, this is something you have to take care of on your side as we don’t currently have an automatic system to do it for you.

  2. The label has no link with the Artist Pages.

  3. You cannot create the label before you release anything. You need to create your release and assign it to the label’s name (even if it doesn’t exist yet) and only then Beatport & Traxsource will create it (if they accept to register it).


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HI Carlos.

Ok understood.

Ahh OK - is there an issue with Beatport & Traxsource accepting new labels?
Presuming the proposed label is appropriate to their platforms and in no way offensive etc?


Hello there @Alfonce
Coming in to give you this link again (Carlos already gave it to you before): How To Distribute On Electronic Music Shops? | iMusician

You need to read this link to know what to do to create your label on Beatport and Traxsource. First you buy your release on iMusician, and then you send them the information needed as said in the article.


Hokay will do cheers

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