Need to request a modification? Here is the place to do it.
You can ask for a modification at any point in the release journey. Our @iMusician_Moderators can help you to make changes.
Some FAQ’s on Release Modifications:
Need to request a modification? Here is the place to do it.
You can ask for a modification at any point in the release journey. Our @iMusician_Moderators can help you to make changes.
Some FAQ’s on Release Modifications:
1/ J’ai besoin de savoir le jour de la sortie de mon album.
FANE DESRUES : Femme entière (en douze morceaux)
EAN 4066218679298
J’attends votre validation depuis plusieurs jours et la sortie est prévue le 18 avril donc dans 5 JOURS.
Est ce possible de me répondre rapidement ?
Car la com est dessus mais j’attends votre validation surtout !
2/ Et aussi je ne comprends pas car j’ai 2 albums sur ma bibliothèque … les mêmes car je 'en ai qu’un qui sort. Un il y a marqué Ouvert LAutre Livrée… Est ce que je dois en effacé un de ma bibilothèque ?
3/ Le lien Artist Hub ne marche pas bien. Comment dois je faire pour la PROMO ?
Avec Amour
I don’t know if this fits perfectly into the “modifications” category, but it’s the closest subject I’ve found…
My first release back in 2015 is showing some “glitch” in my personal area.
Everything shows correctly in all the stores, but when I look at my releases from my dashboard, the older one shows no album cover, and no songs title.
I think this started to be this way after the changes made to the website and the Ui…
I thought maybe it would go back to normal, but as today I still can’t see it correctly.
Any idea on how to solve this?
As long as shops and streaming platforms are not affected by the problem, it goes in the list of “minor issues”, but still it’s annoying and I’d love to have it solved.
Thank you!
@Christoph … and this question too
on May 25th, one of Laurent brugeaud’s big techno trance sudden death sound is released on youtube, spotify, deezer, all platforms. Good listening
2 posts were split to a new topic: Release Feedback
A post was split to a new topic: Question about Payment
A post was split to a new topic: ISRC (Release)
2 posts were split to a new topic: Releases (IT)
volevo sapere com’è possibile che compilando giustamente un uscita discografica accade che dopo l’uscita ti ritrovi tutto modificato senza il mio consenso e addirittura l’artista in featuring corretto sostituito da un altro artista?
come è possibile che dopo due anni ancora dopo uscite di un album e un singolo il nome mio e completamente sbagliato nel topic youtube esempio release topic, generic artists topic
come è possibile che fino a due mesi fa il mio account era collegato su instagram e per aver chiesto assistenza del topic youtube il giorno dopo si e scollegato l’account di instagram
come è possibile che dopo aver pagato il servizio completo di release imusician e dopo aver compilato correttamente tutti i campi dopo l’errore da parte della piattaforma nella release io debba fare l’abbonamento ad amplify o amplify+ per modificare una release che era stata inviata correttamente
A post was merged into an existing topic: Ajout d’un interprète sur ma sortie
Hi. Please, help me. I need to modify and add more informations on my tracks, that will be released on 30th September. Some tracks in the album are played by me, but i’m not the composer. What can I do?