Hello iMusician-Team,
today we released our first Album which unfortunately is now shown on spotify and iTunes music under another artist with the same name. We need an own artist page there. Could you please help me out to fix that fast?
This is our Album “Hinter den Türen” published via the wrong spotify profile:
Hello Carlos, i’ve the same problem with my last and first release “CORBACS” album “L’Oxymorie”.
This problem is on Apple Music and Deezer (maybe others):
Can you help us please to have our own artist page on every platform ?
Je vois que vous nous aviez contacté par email et les demandes de corrections ont déjà été envoyées à Deezer et Apple Music. Il n’est pas nécessaire de doubler vos demandes
Could you just give me at least feedback about what is happening? I asked 18 days ago, to solve this. I dont want to be rude but this is just a bit annoying…
You deleted the wrong Album from our page. Now there is only the Single left which came from the other/wrong artist called Pirol, which I asked you to remove from our page. Please check my last messages, I explained it twice. Please change this back fast.