Amplify+ Pre-Sale Questions before committing

Dear iMusician support.

I own a label and I’d like to enquiry your staff about few doubts before committing to move my catalogue and use your distributor services.

First of all I’m concerned to not find a single email address/submit form on your site to send private enquiries.

Moving forward to my questions, I’m interested in your services because you claim to distribuite the releases to classical stores, which almost nobody does, and I need it. I’m referring to the Amplify+ Plan.

  1. Do you submit even virtual orchestral compositions or only live orchestral pieces?
  2. Do you submit to soundexchange and TheMLC or do I have to cover this process manually?
  3. Because I produce different singers but we don’t manage their Spotify Artist pages, is it really unlimited? I mean, to be clear, I can add every song with the composer A and Singer B, then I can add up to infinite songs with Composer A and singers B,C,D,E,F ok, you got it. without you asking to pay for additional Feat, or Duos artists… While I can only manage (Claim Spotify and iTunes pages) up to 5 artists, (from your dashboard), is that correct?
  4. You claim 0% Commissions (from distributor side of things) but do you collect publishing royalties and if yes, do you take % from that? (I’m refferring to Songtrust alike services)
  5. I don’t really get the subscription model that you can upgrade/downgrade at anytime. If I pay one month and upload 10 releases (paying the one time fee per release + the 10e for that month) and then downgrading to a free plan, do I still keep for the releases released in that month all the Amplify+ Plan benefits like (custom label name, 0% commissions on those releases, or the commissions goes with the month, I mean, I have 0% for that paid month and then the next month you would keep the 5 or 10%.
    Also the Artist page pro information and link created during that month, or it works like IMDB pro that would wipe out everything you did in the PRO time?
  6. Do you have a migration plan if I want to move my releases from CD Baby to you? and will I pay again the fees per release if the release already exists?
  7. in the free plan I didn’t find how to select (public domain, is something doable from your side?)
  8. Is there a way to add lyrics and the lyrics writer as another writer?
  9. Do you manage splits?
  10. Payment methods when I withdraws? paypal, credit card, bank transfer, and hidden fees? Do you accept Wise? being your company in Swiss I can open an account there. Do you pay in Euro/dollar or your currency?

I believe this is it for now, but new questions could arise. Please feel free to reply here or send me a private email.



dear @smac88 , welcome to this Community and thanks for your questions! The iMusician Team doesn’t work on weekends but you can expect an answer by @Melani or @Carlos starting from Monday :v:


Hey @smac88,

You can have access to our email support by subscribing to one of our AMPLIFY subscriptions. If you remain on the Free plan, support will be provided via this platform (our Community forum).

Now, regarding your questions;

  1. We distribute both VST-powered and Live-recorded orchestral pieces.
  2. You’ll have to take care of this manually.
  3. You can distribute as many artists as you want from a single account, without any additional fee.
  4. 0% commission is only if you are subscribed to AMPLIFY+. No, we don’t collect publishing royalties.
  5. If you do that, your 10 releases will drop to 10% commission (or 5% if you switch to AMPLIFY) by the end of your monthly AMPLIFY+ subscription. Your Artist Page will be downgraded to you new sub (with less editing options + iMusician branding), but all the data you’ve uploaded while on the Pro version will be stored and can be recalled if you switch back up.
  6. You just need to request a full takedown of your catalog to CD Baby and once it’s done, you can recreate your releases with us.
  7. As you’ve mentionned classical music, you’ll find more info on public domain here.
  8. To add lyrics, check this page. The Lyricist needs to be credited in the Contributor’s section of each track that contains recorded vocals.
  9. No.
  10. All is explained here.
