Amplify+ upgrade after the delivery

I’m already delivered a single and one single is already released. Now I subscribed for the amplify+ membership and both of the singles will be on a full length record. I’d like to have the whole record on all streaming services (that’s why i subscribed for the premium membership). Is this possible?
Additional there are mistakes on the tracks so i need to change them on both singles.

I already wrote an email to the customer service a few days ago but i don’t get any answers! The delivered release will be soon and i’d like to clarify that before it is released. Please help me

When you made the releases you were in Free mode ? (probably yes if these tracks were released only on 4 platforms)
You should take the offer before releasing because it impacts the platforms list and other services (email support that you have now).
Maybe iMusician admin can correct this mistake.

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Hello @Binsenweisheit,

I see that my colleague Christoph is following up with you through your dedicated support channel.