Are you a label? Or are you looking to be signed to a label?

Hello all, we’re just investigating some things in the music market - you may have seen our emails about the iMusician Academy but we also wanted to find out some more details regarding you

So - here’s the question -

  1. Are you and artist looking for a label? Or are you a label looking for artists?
  2. What matters to you when you’re looking for a label (or vice versa).
  3. If you are not looking for a label - why?
  • Artist | Not looking for a Label
  • Artist | Looking for a Label
  • Label | Not looking for Artists
  • Label | Looking for Artists

0 voters

Artist with a label, not looking for a label :grin:


Artist not looking for a Label :slight_smile:


@A2D and @cantheproducer - then I ask - why? Maybe a confusing question, but I am just trying to understand where and why people go for (or don’t go for) a label - is it the freedom / time available or is it just not in your plans?

Edit: I will add that it is an assumption (maybe outdated) on our side, that most Artists will want to find a Label to do all of the “boring admin / promotion” work for them so that they can make music.



May be they are a distinction between artist, & DIY artist making the first steps in the jungle :hatching_chick:


@SimonG ich suche deshalb nicht nach einem Label, weil ich alles Rund um meine Musik selbst manage.

Ich kümmere mich um die Artworks, die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Künstlern, die Promotion, Promovideos auf Instagram usw. Und das finde ich soweit alles in Ordnung.

Ich kann bestimmen was ich machen möchte, und was eher weniger. Die Entscheidungen liegen komplett in meiner Hand, und werden nicht von anderen Personen gesteuert.


Hi there, just voted on the poll.

I’m both an artist with a label & a label :rofl: Currently not looking for artists because I’m already working with 2 right now, and it’s easier at the moment to work IRL with them.

I created my own label, EHBinTheKitchen (you can look at our website if you’re curious), to promote myself and others that I want to produce. My manager and partner will also propose services such as courses or seminars on specific subjects to help independent and emergent artists (all about copyright, intellectual law, SACEM & co., ISRC code, YouTube, how to be your own manager, etc.).

Hope that answers your questions.


Your comment is pertinent because as far as I’m concerned, I’m DIY and I don’t need a label at the moment. In fact, I have no idea what might one day lead me to do so. :wink:



Currently, the only reason I have done that is because I wanna to add Musician in it :musical_score:

And in Beatport, it allows me also to select the genre of electronic music (if they do not change it after :wink: :ok_hand:)