Aucune plateforme sur la release page


Aucune plateforme n’apparait sur la release page de l’album EAN 7630047138522 alors que coté administration de la page je les vois bien. Je suis sur la formule “Amplify” et je pensais bénéficier d’un support par email, or le lien que j’ai trouvé dans la FAQ pointe vers une page qui n’existe pas…

En vous remerciant par avance pour votre aide

Hi @bullterrier, have you followed these instructions:

Awaiting your response and have a great day!

All the best,


Hi @Melani ,

That’s the article I was tallking about. At the beginning of the article there is this section :

As an iMusician member, you have two options to reach out to our support team:

the link to the contact form seems to be broken.

Thank you for your help

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Hi @bullterrier, there is no need to click on the link but when you click on the ? at the bottom left of your account, you should click on “Ask” and then you will be able to contact us.

Could you please send us a screenshot of your account after clicking on Ask?

Awaiting your response and have a great day!

All the best,

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Hi @Melani

I finally found the “? Need help? > Ask” link on my account (my bad : I didn’t read the FAQ article til the end :sweat_smile: ) , and I posted my question using the contact form. Now I’m waiting for a response.

Thank you for your help,

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That’s amazing! Then please reach out to us via e-mail!


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