Bugs with Finance payout pdf (download)

Dear Teams,

I hope this message finds you all in good health and high spirits!

I wanted to bring to your attention an issue I encountered while attempting to download the payout PDF. I noticed a bug or lag that prevented me from accessing the complete file. Attached to this message, you will find a screenshot illustrating the problem. As you can see, the last initiated payout was on April 9th, 2024, but I could only download data up until December 2023. It appears to be a coding issue related to the duration of one year.

Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 23.49.23

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,


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Hey @liamphanmusic thanks for reaching out :slight_smile:

Let me check that with our team, I’ll get back to you ASAP!


Update: It’s fixed now, you should be able to download the PDF receipts for all the payouts that have been completed :slight_smile: