Can I release chorus only on TikTok

Can I release a 15 seconds chorus only of my song TikTok? The Original full length song is on TikTok and all streaming platforms

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Hello @AlmightyBillionaire

Thanks for your message.

That shouldn’t be a problem. Up to 60 seconds are allowed.

@Carlos @Melani can you please confirm this. If you have any further information, feel free to add it.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Hello @AlmightyBillionaire, just want to be sure of what you mean. Delivering content that is already online is not possible unless you deliver on platforms where the content is not available.

15seconds is pretty short release, however you could try. But make sure not to select shops in which the song exists. If I have not answered to your question, could you provide us with more info?

Thanks for taking care of this @cantheproducer