Distribuer mes morceaux actuellement chez Tunecore et les compiler

J’ai actuellement plusieurs singles du même artiste distribués chez Tunecore et je souhaite tous les compiler dans un album chez imusicians (j’ai déjà un compte avec un album et un EP chez iMusicians). Et au passage, j’utiliserai probablement l’outil de mastering intégré de iMusicians.

Comment dois-je procéder ?

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Hi @Alcools, this would be possible if you release your singles with us and create the EP/Album from your iMusician dashboard.

If you keep your releases online, you will not be able to create the EP with us.

Hope this helps and have a great day!

All the best,


Do I need to record the Tunecore release dates of my singles, UPC or other code OR can I just stop the releases with Tunecore and then, create the album with iMusicians ?

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Hey @Alcools, you need to takedown the releases from Tunecore first and then, once the Singles are no longer available online, you can create the album on your iMusician dashboard (there, make sure to keep your original ISRC codes to keep your streams) :slight_smile:


Ok, thanx