Distribuir los singles subidos en un album

Hola!! tenia una pregunta acerca de unas canciones que tenemos subida en nuestro perfil de Spotify: Spotify

Todas las canciones que hemos subido las queremos unificar en un mismo álbum.

¿Esto es posible?¿Cómo podríamos hacer?

Además queremos subir 2 canciones más para completar el album. El album se llamaría “Efectos Boomerang”

Muchas gracias,


Hello and welcome!

@Cayo or @Kuo should be able to help you. Or maybe @Maurizio if he’s more available.
I don’t speak your language so it’ll be easier with one of them! Please wait until someone comes :pray:


Hola! todavia no se han puesto en contacto conmigo. Que tengo que hacer?

@Maurizio me podrías ayudar con esto? Unificar singles en un mismo album en Spotify.


Hello @Panacota,

I don’t speak Spanish either so I’d like to be sure I understood your request:
Are you asking if

  • it’s possible to have all your tracks in the same artist profile?
    Yes, in that case I’d need the links to the release you want to move, + the wrong and the correct channel
  • it’s possible to add more tracks to an existing release?
    It’s not possible to change the number of tracks of an existing release. What you can do is creating a new release that includes the old tracks + the new ones. If you want you will then be able to take down the previous release.

Please let me know if I answered your question :slight_smile:


Hello! You didn’t understand my question correctly. I’ll explain myself better.

In the “Pequeña Pausa” profile on Spotify we have uploaded about 6 singles.

I wanted to ask you if it is possible to unify these 6 singles on the same album on Spotify.

Thank you so much!!

hi @Panacota It’s the same procedure as explained by Maurizio in poit 2 of his answer :blush: