Distribution - "Paid - In Quality Check"

Hi there,
I’m the responsible of Red Ocean Music Group and we’ve just switched to iMusician. Our future catalog is now set to be distributed through iMusician after receiving good feedback from fellow record labels.

However, I’m wondering what’s happening with the approval process of the songs we already distributed. They remain “Paid - In Quality Check” after the 2 weeks maximum you sell on your platform. These releases are going live in less than a month and we need these approved and delivered to the stores.

Wondering what’s happening?
I’m looking forward to a fast reply. Thanks in advance!

All the best,



For a fast reply I tag @Maurizio & @Carlos.

The iMusician support is closed the week-end.



Hey @Lanova,

All your releases are scheduled for January 2024, therefore they’re not yet in the queue of our Quality Assurance team (there are other releases that need to be checked before). Don’t worry, you’ll be notified in due time when your releases are being checked, for now all you need to do is wait :slight_smile:


Hey @Carlos,
Thank you for the reply!

I completely understand where you’re coming from. However, you guys sell a 2 weeks gap to deliver songs to the platforms. We normally pitch to the music platforms 1 month prior to the release, this won’t be possible because of this delay. Also, what happens if some of the releases need extra attention and changes? I was told that you guys have fast response for songs to be distributed, and that was one of the reasons I switched to your platform. I kindly ask you to revise these as soon as possible.

I’m also wondering - is this delay happening due to end of the year workload? Will it always be like this? How long in average do AMPLIFY+ customers need to way until they see their songs accepted and distributed? I really need to know this in order to schedule our releases earlier in case it’s needed, because we need the songs to be distributed at least 1 month before the release date.

Wishing you an awesome week, and I look forward to your reply. Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Hey @Lanova,

You’ve selected a Standard delivery on all your releases, which means that it will be delivered within 2 weeks after you’ve paid the order. If you want your release to be delivered faster, you can select another delivery method. Your songs will be checked by our team once they reach the queue and you’ll be notified in due time :slight_smile:

We are facing a higher workload due to the end of year indeed, but in your case there is no “delay”. Your releases will be checked and delivered according to what you have ordered.

An awesome week to you too!


Hey @Carlos,
Actually it’s more than 2 weeks since I distributed 3 of the releases, but I understand where you’re coming from.

However, I didn’t get an answer on how long in average AMPLIFY+ customers need to way until they see their songs accepted and distributed? I need to know this in order to have every release ready to go 1 month prior to the release date.

Any estimate time to have January releases reviewed?

Thanks in advance!

Hey @Lanova,

The time it takes doesn’t depend on your subscription, it’s the same for everyone. All is explained in this page that I have already suggested you read.

No I’m afraid I cannot provide you with an “estimate” but again, don’t worry, you’ll be notified in due time.