Distribution problem

My album was supposed to arrive on the platforms on June 4 th . However , some thing were bad , so it was sent back to me to fix the correct the errors however after fixing all the errors indicated by the site still an error prevents me from distributing my album . The site tells me that there is still a mistake when I did it was asked

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Hi @GauthierP, we’ve already checked this and sent you a private message!

I’ve checked just now and I do not see the corrections made. Please be aware that in case of cover versions, we need information about performers, contributors and publishes. This is our article explaining:

I’m getting back to you privately! :slight_smile:


Concernant ma sortie : 4066218784510
4 fois de suite je reçois une erreur concernant le parolier et compositeur…
est-ce-que quelqu’un peu m’aider.


Hi @Isaac :raising_hand_man:

Thank you for your message. Someone from the iMusician Team will get back to you shortly, and take care of your request. Please be patient :v:

@Carlos can you help here? Merci! :clap:


Bonjour @Isaac,

La correction demandée par notre équipe en charge du contrôle qualité n’a rien à voir avec le parolier et compositeur. Vous devez retirer le caractère spécial du titre de la piste n°5 car ça n’est pas autorisé par les plateformes.


Merci de bien vouloir faire le nécessaire de votre côté et de valider la correction en suivant cette procédure : Comment puis-je savoir si ma sortie a passé le contrôle de qualité ou nécessite une action supplémentaire de ma part ? | iMusician

Bonne journée :slight_smile:

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The site tell me that I have to correct the 49 mistakes on my album but there are only 48 .So I can’t send you back my album .


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Hello @GauthierP,

There are many mistakes on your release that are preventing us from delivering :

  1. Composer’s names are spelled incorrectly on almost all of the cover tracks (please refer to this database GEMA - Members - Repertoire Search to find the correct names and spelling);

  2. The languages you have selected on your track titles are incorrect (Curabitur, Lovely, Before you go and Where is my mind are not french titles);

  3. You haven’t mentioned the publishers on each cover track (again, please refer to this database GEMA - Members - Repertoire Search to find the correct names and spelling).

Please take the time to make the corrections correctly if you want your release to be delivered to the platforms, and as soon as possible if you want to avoid any further delay on the release date :slight_smile:


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Liebes iMusician-Team,

ich habe ein Problem mit einem Release. AuĂźerdem sind diesmal die Streams vom 23.06. komischerweise noch nicht ganz verfĂĽgbar(neue Single wird in den Analytics nicht angezeigt). Meine Nachricht habe ich bereits per Email geschickt (Amplify Abo).
Vielleicht bekomme ich hier schneller eine Antwort. ^^

Danke für euer Verständnis und schönen Abend noch!
LG Jonas :wink:

Hey @MCJonazn

vielen Dank fĂĽr deine Nachricht und willkommen in der Community :clap:

@Christoph vom iMusician Team wird sich in KĂĽrze bei dir melden. Bitte noch etwas gedulden. Danke! :v:


Hallo @MCJonazn Ich habe dir gerade per Mail geantwortet :slight_smile: