Do I have to pay a subscription every month to have my music on every plateforms?

Hi Imusician !

I have a little concern about the new process for the release.
The last time I released a projet, I had to pay one time to get my projet on all the plateforms. Now, it seems that I have to pay every months (or the annual payment) so my projet can stay on more than 4 plateforms.

Is it true ? Do I really have to pay the subscription so my music can appear on all the plateforms ?
Because that wasn’t the case for my previous projets and if so, I don’t think that this new process suits me very well.

I chose Imusician because of the one time payment. I don’t mind spending a little more on a release, as long as the music is on every plateform. If you don’t propose that kind of solution, I’m not satisfied then.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my questions


Hello @Kleeman

thank you for your message.

If you want to publish your releases on more than 4 platforms, you need at least the Amplify subscription. After your release, you can switch back to the free subscription if you don’t want to pay monthly or annually.

Your release remains online on all platforms that you selected when creating the release. Only the commission would change after a subscription downgrade. With the free subscription there is a 10% commission.

For example, you release a single on more than 4 platforms with the Amplify subscription as a monthly option. Then you would pay a one-time fee of $9 for the release and $5 once for the Amplify monthly subscription. After the release you can switch to the free subscription as described above. Then only the commission would change, as described above.



Thank you for the quick answer !

The thing is that I did that for my release “Sunday Night” but my EP isn’t on Tidal. So there must be a problem somewhere.

But thank you anayway


If you selected tidal as a platform during the release creation and the release didn’t appear there, you can report it to us here.

In general, you can contact us here at any time if there are any discrepancies or questions about your releases, or if you have any other questions.
