Dolby atmos releases

Can you please let me know if you can deliver Dolby atmos and if I can send the tracks to you as ?

Is your service now subscription only?

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Hello @theafronick

Yes, iMusician can support dolby atmos but the only stores that accept it are itunes & tidal.

You upload the normal audio files in the interface. For the dolby file you contact separatedly the support.

I tag @Melani and @Fabiola to give you more info. iMusician is closed the week-end :wave::wink:



Ciao caro @A2D :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, we are not delivering audio files with Dolby Atmos format @theafronick! It’s something in our work to do - you will see updates on our product page once decided :slight_smile:


Thanks @Melani
Does things move forward regarding Dolby Atmos delivery ?
Do you have a schedule plan regarding this ?
Very impostant for some of us.

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Hello @CosmXploreR , thanks for your message.

At the moment, we decided to put the Dolby Atmos project on pause since our product development team is tackling new developments.
Thanks for your understanding and all the best