Downloading ISRC, UPC, EAN

Hello everyone,
i’m sure i’m doing a dumb mistake somwhere…i’m trying to find a way to download ISRC , UPC, and EAN of my releases.
My idea is to make an excel with all my releases data, including those codes. It may seem stramnge but i cannot copy and paste them from the release page, and i cannot find a way to download them (that might be another solution).
Yeah, i could copy them one by one, but this is a slow procedure and it makes very easy to make dumb mistakes.

i’m sure there must be a way, but …i can’t find it!

PS: I also trted to go to the release library, then I opened the release page…the ISRC is visible in the “modify” page, BUT it’s in grey (because of course it cannot be modified, it’s right!), and i cannot even copy and paste it. …uff…

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hi @MattiaBalboni , let’s ask @Melani and @Carlos if there is a shortcut to do that :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

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i’m quite sure there is a way to do that, i’m just silly and i cant find it!

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Hey @MattiaBalboni,

I’ve sent you everything via PM :slight_smile: