Help : My streams are not counted


Please Help ! My streams are not counted anymore. :thinking:

For some time now, in my account page, the iMusisans stream curve has been showing a count of ~0 / day.

So, I had an experience: for the past week, I have been listening to my album on Spotify several times a day (each song in its entirety). That’s between 50 and 80 streams per day.


Despite this, the curve still show 0 streams/days. So, at least, Spotify streams are not reported correctly. :unamused:

What is going on ?

My Release page :
Album : First
Artist Name : Ground Noise
EAN : 4066218963083

Thank you,



Hello @Ground_Noise

I tag @Carlos and @Melani to give you more info about your issue.

A2D an indie musician


Thank you A2D.
I believe the problem comes from Spotify which no longer records my number of streams. I do not know why.

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Hey @Ground_Noise,

Spotify constantly runs checks on the streams you generate, so if they detect any irregular/suspicious trends, they reserve the right to cancel your streams (or at least part of them).

You have to understand that, as a distributor, we only forward to you the filtered data that Spotify sends us (that’s why there’s a delay of about 5 days with the real-time numbers you see on your Spotify for Artists). We do not have any control over the numbers and we cannot contest the numbers.

Unfortunately, in your case, it seems that Spotify has detected some patterns in your streams that resulted in them being disallowed. All we can advise you for now is to stop any activity that would create such patterns :slight_smile:
