Hide real name for composer

Hello ! I have a question, I saw we can put an artist name for the composer, but which name will be showed in the credit for instance on spotify ?
The real name or the artist name ? We would like to use only the artist name for the composer and that real name is hided everywhere… is there a way to do that ? thanks…
Thanks for you help ! :slight_smile:

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Hello @DanielB

Thanks for your message.

You must enter the real names of the contributors.

This is a Spotify requirement. They have tightened their rules. Accordingly, the real names would appear in the credits on Spotify.


Thanks very much for your answer !
maybe you know, in fact we have some official artist name registered with our pro (Sacem) as composer… so we could put this one instead I guess, maybe you experienced this ??
thanks for any info… :slight_smile:

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Unfortunately I have no experience with it. As far as I know, you can’t make exceptions. You have to strictly follow the Spotify rules.

But I would mention @Carlos from the Team, if he has anything to add.



Hey @DanielB,

Unfortunately, even if the pseudonyms are registered with a collecting society, the full legal names are still required in the metadata :confused: