How can I delete a track from my library?

Two years ago I asked you to remove my single ‘Une Journee en plein Air/La Randonnee’ from all shops and platforms and so you did.
Now I decided to release it again, but with different art work and title. The sound file is the same.

I couldn’t do so, because I couldn’t upload the sound file. Your system indicated in red: ‘this file has been used before’.

To solve the problem I tried to remove the old track in my library but that is not possible. The CID button should make it possible but doesn’t work!

Can you please solve this problem for me?

Hi @Irene,

Thanks for contacting us.

It is not possible to completely delete a release that was taken down from your iMusician dashboard for reasons of data preservation in our system.

When a track was already sent to the shops, and thus is already in your library, you need to add it to a new project with the function : “include from library”:

As it is not possible to have the same audio file several times, the system will always automatically block the download of an audio file that is already in your account.

Once the track is added to the new project you’ll be able to modify its metadata.

I hope that helps :slight_smile:


Please can you tell me how I can remove tracks from all shops, from my library and delete my account with iMusician althogether?

I do not have an AMPLIFY+ account.

Thank you!

hi @Rose , this is the procedure for taking down your tracks:

and here is how to close an account:

plz let us know if this was helpful, best Andi