How many Tracks can I release on your packages

1)How many Tracks can I release in a single on your Packages

1a) Free Package

1b)Amplify Package

1c)Amplify Plus Package

  1. Wat are the cost of releasing 2 tracks in a single on your following packages:

2a) Free Package

2b) Amplify Package

2c) Amplify Plus Package

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Hello @AlmightyBillionaire

Thanks for your message.

You can publish as many singles as you want. The number is not tied to a subscription.

You can release up to 3 tracks as a single. None of the tracks may be longer than 10 minutes → What kind of release types can I distribute with iMusician? | iMusician

In summary, this means: You can publish a release with 3 tracks. Then you pay $9 for this release.


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