How to create a group page artist that contains my solo artist name

Hello everyone, I am Bassoli. DJ and Beatlaker. I have a solo artist page. With another artist (who does not have an Imusician account) I would like to create a new profile on the platforms for a project that we have in common. I was wondering if I was going to encounter any problems when creating this new page, I want to avoid problems related to my artists name which will appear in the group name (NOcarre & Bassoli.) etc. Do you have any advice or comments?

dear @Mappiop , I am not sure what problems you are thinkinking about. But if you prefer, you could just publish it as Bassoli and add NOcarre as second artist, his spotify artist page would then be created. Let’s also ask @Melani if there’s something I’m missing or if she has further advices to give you :v:


Hi @Andi I’m going to explain myself a little more, with my friend and artist NOcarré we launched into a rap project together, but the problem is that I already have an imusician account and he has nothing, so we launched by another distributor but we could not be found on apple music because I site “your group name poses a problem with that of another artist”
that’s why we would like to know if there was something to do so that we have a common artist page for him and me without us being separated as artist 1 - artist 2
I hope this will help you better, thank you very much for your help already thank you very much!

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Yeah, now I understand what you mean, let’s ask @Melani about that :v:

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Hello @Andi , thanks for taking care of this!

Hi @Mappiop, it is definitely possible to create more artist names and projects in iMusician dashboard. Concerning the Artist Page, well if you enter only one artist name (for example, if you have a duo name), the system will give you the possibility to create an Artist Page for such name.

Just to give you the whole picture, if you are willing to create a release keeping separate your artists names, like “A” and “B”, then there is no option to create an Artist Page where both A and B are included. But if you two are called only “C”, then an Artist Page for artist “C” is possible.

Plus, you will also have a Release Page with the same name and the links to the shops that directs users to listen to your release.

I hope this explains and have a great day!