How to promote music without spending lots of money!

Alrighty - I have had your post in my mind all day and trying to figure out the shortest possible way to answer this. A lot of this follows on from my other post / discussion that you’ll find over here: Music Promotion - What works for you? [MegaPost] - #9 by SimonG

But - coming back to your specific question…

Well now we have a slightly different question to answer. And the shortest answer to it is… the best way is to focus and spend a lot of time doing the same thing. Without paid media to “kick-start” what you’re doing it will just simply take longer and - at times you may feel like it isn’t worth it, or that it isn’t working but… if you get your strategy right then you’re onto a winner.

So, what's the right strategy?

The honest answer here is… whatever works for you… If you have found something that is working and you read this post then I would advise you to not change what you’re doing overnight based purely on what some guy said on the internet… but that is probably the most annoying answer for someone starting out.

Step 1: What's your focus?

I’ve covered this more over on The Music Promotion Megathread, but just to recap what I see as the 3x main strategic approaches:

  1. To grow your listeners / fanbase
  2. To grow music revenues aka royalties
  3. To get more people to gigs

Let’s assume for now that you’re looking at Number 1… growing listeners / fanbase…

Step 2: Where is your Base?

Choosing which channels you use is key - you don’t want to spread yourself too thinly - this just takes a LOT of time to manage and will end up with you spending every waking hour maintaining what you’re doing.

Also remember, with every channel (e.g. Facebook / Twitter / Insta / TikTok as well as Spotify / Deezer / YouTube) you are basically at the whim of massive corporations whose aim is to make money so you have to jump through hoops (aka master the algorithm) if you want to grow without spending money and these channels can simply change overnight if they want to and cut you off from your audience (much like Facebook did with algorithm changes many years ago, if you want to reach more the ~20% of your FB page audience, then you have to pay).

You want to give people one space (aka a base) where they can find you, follow you and where you can grow a following and, you want to have a reasonable sense of safety that you won’t be cutoff from your hard-earned followers overnight.

This is the channel you will promote and… NOTHING ELSE.

It sounds counter-intuitive… naturally you would think that being on every channel will give more opportunity for people to follow you, but all you are doing here is weakening your impact. Every follower on a channel you are not focused on is essentially a lost potential.

So, now you have your “base” from there you can bring people to it and take people from it, spend some time making it both look “nice” and become a functional home for your music.

I will put together a post on what to look for as a “Base” I am not 100% sure on what to recommend at the moment, if others have a suggestion (looking at you @A2D, @zirnoise @electro-mc for a bit of experience if you have found one).

In terms of “bases”, I would see Spotify, Bandcamp or SoundCloud being good starting bases - with Spotify being perhaps the most “risky” as they are in a big revenue crunch right now, also, definitely take a look at the latest video from @Nicholas on how the Spotify Algorithm works

Step 3: Find your "awareness" channel

This is the place where you will find new fans, pick a channel that has a good x-section between a deep reach and niche audience. I haven’t found a link to your music on the Community or on Spotify so I can’t really make any recommendations for you, but over on the Promotion Megathread I suggested some routes for specific genres (e.g. Beatport for Electronic, Reddit for “big band music” etc).

My biggest recommendation for awareness though - do not use links - sounds counter intuitive right? Well if you use a link, you’re spreading out your fan base again - the only link you will put in these channels is to your “base”.

If you drop a link to your music @Efosasimon then we’ll have a look at more possible awareness channels for you :slight_smile:

I hope this helps!