How to request Youtube content ID

I have a somewhat urgent question, because my release is coming out in a few days, and I wonder how to request Youtube content ID for a title already distributed or for which the order is in progress?
A big thank in advance for your help,

Hey @Youcii, thanks for the message.

The best would be to request monetization during the creation of your release. However, you can directly request the change (and pay for it) from the release itself from our dashboard.
Open the release > edit > request change, a window on the bottom left will open and you can specify there the barcode/ISRC codes of the tracks for which you would like the CID on.

We will process your request and issue an invoice of 1€ per each track. Make sure to read if your content is eligible for CID:

All the best,


Thanks a lot for your swift answer ! :blush::+1:

May I just ask if it will impact my release date if I ask the change now ? (my single is supposed to be release on 17/04)

Thank you :pray:

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