I requested a payout

I requested a payout. Then I should get an email to confirm my personal details.
Ofcourse, as common with iMusician, nothing works smoothly, I didn’t receive such an email.
Please send me that email.

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Hi @Harold

vielen Dank für deine Nachricht. Ich weiß was du gestern geschrieben hast, und das war alles andere als respektvoll und höflich. Ich bitte dich sowas in Zukunft zu unterlassen! Danke!

Ich erwähne @Fabiola und @Maurizio vom
iMusician Team, welche sich in Kürze bei dir melden werden.

Viele Grüße :v:

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Thanks for forwarding this @cantheproducer :+1:

@Harold When adding a Paypal account as your payout method, it’s important to note that the e-mail for validation is sent to the e-mail address associated with your iMusician account, not to the e-mail you added as paypal address.

I confirmed in our logs and I would ask you to verify on your main email h****d@******sic.com for messages received on 6th of August, around 10:41pm GMT. Please include your Spam folder, if not present on your regular inbox. The subject, if helpful for your search, is “[Action Needed] Confirm new payout account”.

Have a great day!


I’ve requested multiple times for such validation-email: none were received.
Two persons have checked the email-inbox in and out: no validation-email send by iMusician was there. This email-adress is correct and in use.
Please send me a validation-email so I can collect my royalties.
Thank you.

After 5 times requesting I still have not received a validation-email.

Gut zu wissen, dass Sie wissen, was ich gestern geschrieben habe. Dann ist das klar. Mir gefällt die Art und Weise nicht, wie Sie Ihre Kunden behandeln, und ich werde das deutlich machen. Ich habe ein Recht auf mein Geld, und ich werde alles tun, um es zu bekommen.

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Selbstverständlich hat jeder Künstler das Recht seine Einnahmen rechtzeitig ausgezahlt zu bekommen. Es kann vorkommen, dass die Auszahlung sich aufgrund von diversen Gründen wie etwa durch zusätzlicher Überprüfungen verzögert.

Trotzdem sollte sowas respektvoll und in einem angemessenen Ton erfolgen! Du hast kein Recht hier zu beleidigen oder abwertende Sprüche von dich zu geben, da du in diesem Moment gegen unsere Richtlinien verstößt → Welcome to the Community 🎶

iMusician leistet tolle Arbeit und bemüht sich die Anliegen so schnell als möglich zu lösen. Wenn ein Prozess länger dauert als erwartet, oder nicht reibungslos funktioniert, kann es wie oben beschrieben zahlreiche Gründe haben. Dann fragt man freundlich nach, und wartet anschließend auf eine Rückmeldung.

Sollte ich sowas wie gestern oder ähnliches nochmal lesen, bleib mir keine andere Wahl als dich erstmal vom Forum auszuschließen, da es ein Verstoß gegen unsere Richtlinien ist.



Hello everyone,

Thank you so much @cantheproducer for your words. I really appreciate that.

Let’s strive to maintain a secure, delightful, and pleasant environment for all.
Certainly, issues may arise, but our collective purpose is to offer solutions.

@Harold Our tech department double checked and confirmed the confirmation e-mail has been sent to h****d@******sic.com.

If you haven’t received it, we recommend reaching out to your hosting provider to ensure it hasn’t been mistakenly marked as spam.

I hope this helps.


Contacted my hosting provider with the question to have a look at it and I’m now waiting for their answer. In the meantime can you send me a test-email to harold @ …music . com? To verify if such an email from your company comes through?

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Hello @Harold,

I just sent you a test email as you asked. Answer that message and I’ll inform our tech team accordingly.

Thanks for your collaboration.

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Confirmation has been send, your email came through.
Now I did receive this:

I don’t know what this means.

Hello @Harold,

thanks for your answer. This is the first time I see something like this, and it makes me think there’s something not right with your mail provider settings. Did they get back to you already?

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No, not yet. Apparently it’s busy.

Here’s the reply from my hosting provider (the original Dutch version has been translated by Deepl for your convenience):
“Dear Harold,
It seems that the receiving mail server is blocking our IP addresses.
In fact, I can’t reach this server from my own server either, but I get far outside our network:
[root@jumpserver-arnoud ~]# mtr -nrc3
Start: Fri Aug 18 15:04:42 2023
HOST: jumpserver-arnoud.zxcs.nl Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev
1.|-- 0.0% 3 0.9 2.4 0.9 4.2 1.6
2.|-- 0.0% 3 1.3 1.5 1.3 1.6 0.0
3.|-- 0.0% 3 1.9 2.0 1.9 2.1 0.0
4.|-- 0.0% 3 2.6 2.3 1.9 2.6 0.0
5.|-- 0.0% 3 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.7 0.0
6.|-- ??? 100.0 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
And also when I want to connect directly to port 25, I get a timeout:
[root@jumpserver-arnoud ~]# telnet 25
telnet: connect to address Connection timed out
In short; something is blocking the connection to, this could be in their network or on this mail server itself.
However, this will have to be resolved by iMusician, since as you can see above, the connection does come from way outside our network.
Should there be any further questions, we would be happy to hear from you!
Kind regards,

In an earlier given advice from Arnoud to open my e-mail port (no restrictions whatsoever) I finally was able to send a confirmation e-mail a few days ago and am now waiting for the payment to arrive. Cash credit states zero now. I hope this goes well.


Thanks for the additional info @Harold.
Glad you managed to receive the confirmation email.

Payouts take up to 30 days to get paid. If you don’t get it by 15.09.23 please let me know and I’ll be glad to follow up.

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