Can someone explain to me why, when I download one of my songs into my imusician account I can’t master it!
- All it says in RED LETTERS is: “This audio file has already been used”
Now I have tried with 2 other songs and I have the same answer!
I did do a trial master 2 years ago but didn’t proceed with buying the masters.
Does this mean once you’ve done a trial, you can’t do it again 2 years later??? Strange.
If someone can help me with this, I would be very very grateful.
Kind regards
Hello cantheproducer,
Thank you for such a speedy!!! answer.
I have absolutely no songs of mine in my library!!!
I actually did try to do a mastering with a brand new song and it worked.
So I would tend to think that my imusician account has “memorized” my previous trials some years ago. I can’t think of any other reason why I would get such a repeated message.
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Hello canthe producer,
My 1000 excuses to you as I actually found out that in my library I had all those trials I did some years ago!!! So you have scored a good goal with me!!!
I have cancelled all these and I have now an empty library so I can start anew.
THANK YOU a MILLION for directing me in the good direction.
Kind regards
Mystery Fox