Impossibility to master my songs

Can someone explain to me why, when I download one of my songs into my imusician account I can’t master it!

  • All it says in RED LETTERS is: “This audio file has already been used”
    Now I have tried with 2 other songs and I have the same answer!
    I did do a trial master 2 years ago but didn’t proceed with buying the masters.

Does this mean once you’ve done a trial, you can’t do it again 2 years later??? Strange.

If someone can help me with this, I would be very very grateful.

Kind regards


Hello @mysteryfox

Thanks for your message.

The error message “This audio file has already been used” indicates that the audio file you are trying to assign to your track is already in your library. This basically means that you are trying to upload the same audio file twice to two different tracks, which is not possible.

Please make sure that you do not have any duplicate tracks (i.e. the same track several times) in your library and that the audio file is only allocated once.


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Hello cantheproducer,
Thank you for such a speedy!!! answer.
I have absolutely no songs of mine in my library!!!
I actually did try to do a mastering with a brand new song and it worked.

So I would tend to think that my imusician account has “memorized” my previous trials some years ago. I can’t think of any other reason why I would get such a repeated message.

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Hello canthe producer,
My 1000 excuses to you as I actually found out that in my library I had all those trials I did some years ago!!! So you have scored a good goal with me!!!
I have cancelled all these and I have now an empty library so I can start anew.
THANK YOU a MILLION for directing me in the good direction.
Kind regards
Mystery Fox