Impossible de retirer une sortie


Je n’arrive pas à retirer ma sortie EAN 4066218359084. J’aimerais aussi, une fois la sortie retirée, supprimer ma page artiste.

Pouvez-vous faire le nécessaire svp ?

Merci pour votre retour,

Bien cordialement,

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Good morning @NicolasCambronne :slight_smile:

We requested takedown for you and the process can take up to 4 weeks. It is not possible to delete the Artist Page, once is created, but you can set it to unpublished :slight_smile: Check here for more: What is Artist Page and how can I set it up? | iMusician

You will need to toggle off the Publish Page button! Have a great day!

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Dear @Melani ,

Many thanks for such a quick answer !!

I noticed that my Artist Page is already unpublished.

Do you think that, while I wait for the takedown of the release, in the meantime, I could publish the same music under another artist’s name ?

Many thanks for your help and answer,

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Thanks for your response in English but feel free to write in the language you prefer - we have the translator here :slight_smile:

Yes, you can definitely start creating the new release but I would set a release date at least 4 weeks later(from today) - this will guarantee that your prev release is taken down and there is no conflict :slight_smile:



Je ne peux pas publier de nouveau la sortie. Voici le message qui s’affiche sur chacune des pistes : “This audio file has already been used”.

Pouvez-vous m’aider s’il vous plait ?

Merci !

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Hi @NicolasCambronne , that’s happening because you are probably trying to upload the file again, you might want to try to add it from your library in your dashboard under the tracks tab , plz let us know if that works :v:


Merci pour la réponse rapide.

J’ai du mal expliquer mon problème sur le premier message. J’aimerais effectuer la sortie de titres déja sortis sous le nom de Tina, mais cette fois-ci sous un autre nom. Et cette manipulation ne me le permet pas car je ne peux pas modifier le nom du propriétaire de l’enregistrement…

Comment procéder ?

Merci !

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Thanks for the reply, I’ll tag @Melani here who will look at this starting from tomorrow :v:

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OK, merci beaucoup. Je me rends compte que je n’ai pas bien formulé ma première question.
@Melani @Andi
Nous désirons changer notre nom d’artiste “Tina” en “There Is No Alternative - TINA”. J’ai donc demandé à retirer la sortie de Tina pour la sortir sous le nouveau nom. Et c’est à cette étape du processus que je me rends compte que c’est plus compliqué que ça…

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Thanks! yes, I think now it’s clear :blush: let’s wait for the answer of @Melani , thanks for your patience, on weekends the Team is not at work :hugs:

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OK, thanks !!

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Retirer une sortie (FR)

Bonjour, pourriez-vous m’indiquer la marche à suivre ? Merci !

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Bonjour @Melani , pourriez-vous m’indiquer la marche à suivre ?

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Hello @NicolasCambronne , how are you?

So, we took down the release 4066218359084 so that you could release it under a new artist name. Did you proceed? I checked and I see you are reuploading the audio files.

Since your audio files are already in your library, you must click on Include from library. In order to put the correct name, you can just click on the + symbol > add the artist > remove the old one clicking on -
See screenshot:

However, I must inform you about this: the artist name might not be accepted without social channels proof. If you do have an IG account with the excat name, then we could try. But tbh, I d rather go with There Is No Alternative.

Hope this helps and fingers crossed!


Hello Melani,

It does not work as I cannot add an artist or remove the old one. The symbols + or - are grey colour and I cannot click on them.

Many thanks for your help.

Best regards,

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Hi @NicolasCambronne , could you please try editing the data from the Track library? Click on each track and a section on the right will open up :slight_smile:

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Cela ne marche pas non plus. :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging:

Hi @NicolasCambronne, usually changing metadata from the Tracks section works. However, I changed the main artist for you and now you can proceed to continue and order the release! :slight_smile:


C’est dommage que j’ai eu besoin de vous à chaque modification ! Mais vous êtes très réactifs et je vous en remercie !

Merci pour l’aide, j’ai pu effectuer la sortie. Le sujet peut être clôturé.

Merci !!

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