Impossible to pubblish my tracks

Greetings. I followed all the necessary procedures to upload my music to i Musician. I have tried faithfully many times and the procedure doesn’t work. There will be some problem that prevents my publication. Can someone from support check this problem? Thank you very much. Screenshot attached


Hello @grassocamillo

I tag @Carlos and @Melani from iMusician support to help you with this problem.

The support is closed week-end and holidays.



Hello @grassocamillo,

There are two issues:

  1. The audiofiles you are trying to upload already exist in another customer’s library. Make sure that you are not using more than one iMusician account for this release and please clean up you library to get rid of any track duplicates.

  1. You need to add the full legal names of the Contributors for each track.


Hello Carlos. Thanks so much for your help. Yes, I saw that by mistake I made 2 accounts on imusician on December 21st by mistake. I noticed it from my credit card payments because I saw that I paid the amount of 5 euros twice. But now I don’t know how to delete one of the two. Could you please tell me the procedure?
“You must add the full legal names of the contributors for each track” Regarding this, I specify that I am the owner of the rights to these songs as I wrote the lyrics, I had them sung by an African American singer on Fiverr and then I recorded both the lyrics and the songs sung with voice and music on Fiverr already 5 years ago. So what do you recommend me to do? Thank you so much for you help. Best regards

Hello @grassocamillo

Thanks for your message.

There is no work on weekends. On Monday January 1st neither. You can expect an answer from Tuesday.



Hey @grassocamillo,

I’ve sent you a PM