Is It possible to make my artist name in Korean?

Hi imusician team. In the process of releasing single, I’m with the artist name problem. The message sent to me was: To ensure the correct spelling of your artist name for the delivery to streaming platforms, please provide us with reference links from social media or your official website. YouTube and Soundcloud links are not valid references. If you do not have social media, please remove any special characters from your artist name and use “Capitalized Case". You can add the reference links in the additional information section after resolving all issues and clicking the submit button below.

Since I don’t have my official artist social media, I can’t provide more information. If so, you asked me to capitalize all the letters, and I was wondering if I could use my artist name in Korean.


Hello @Aonaka I’m a moderator

I tag @Carlos and @Melani from iMusician support to say you if you could use your artist name in Korean.

The support is closed the week-end



Hello @Aonaka,

The issue here is that any “non-standard” artist name formatting requires a proof that can be checked by the platforms to ensure the use of special characters, capitalization, etc. is voluntary and that you are promoting your artist name as such.This is why you are requested to provide social media links. Unfortunately, this rule also applies if your artist name contains non-latin characters, so if you use Korean alphabet for your name, you’ll have to provide social media links.

Setting up an Instagram profile takes only a few minutes and is very beneficial for your artist brand, so I’d simply suggest doing so (with your artist name in Korean) and then provide the links to our team so the release can be delivered to the shops :slight_smile: