Live streams!

Hey, I hope you can help us with this!
Live streams are not been updated since the 14th!
one more question, why the status is still in pending, even when the payments have been made?
hope you fix it!

hi @Fjonamusic i’m asking @Carlos @Melani here if he can help you

@Andi Any Update?

I’ll try to ask @Melani again :v: thanks for your patience :blush:


Ciao dear @Andi , thanks for taking care of @Fjonamusic !

Checking and getting back to you| :slight_smile:

Hey @Fjonamusic, here we would need a but of time to investigate! I just sent you a DM :slight_smile: and be sure everything will be solved! Concerning live streams, do you mean our Music Analytics? If so, I can see updated data since October 22nd.

I must inform you that we show data on Music Analytics with a delay of 5 days, since we retrieve data directly from the shops.

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We know that , Look the stream data here is not correct!

And look at the other photo, even we have been paid, the status still appears pending!!!

Can you Fix it?

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btw I have the same issue with Music Analytics starting from 15th


Hey hey @Fjonamusic and @Andi , thanks for reporting this! Will raise this to tech! Talk soon :slight_smile: