Lulo Release 22nd December Showing Errors

Hi guys. Looks like various problems with my release on first checks. Can you please fix the following:

  1. Not showing at all on Beatport
  2. Release page hasn’t updated from pre-release page
  3. On the release page there are 0 links at all showing
  4. The songs looks to be live on Apple but the metadata / credits are wrong. Lorenzo and Sofia are not composers or lyricists. The composition / writing is 100% Soul Flora. Lorenzo played guitar and Sofia was the vocalist. Please amend this.

I set this release 7 weeks in advance so things would go smoothly so can you please helps as a matter or urgency.

Also I wish to update my profiles on Traxsource and Beatport for both record label and importantly the artist. Please can you provide the paperwork for me to do this.



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Hello @Alfonce

Thanks for your message.

@Carlos will get back to you shortly.


Awesome thanks.

Oh looks live on Beatport now.

Another thing. The song is in G Minor. But showing as F Major on Beatport and D Minor Traxsource. Please can this be edited.



Sorry me again.

The song is on Quobuz but the composer is wrong. Soul Flora is the composer but it is listed as Lorenzo.
Did a search on Juno and couldn’t find the track. Please can you sort.

Please can you edit.


Hello @Alfonce,

  1. Here’s your Release Page with all the available links;

  2. The release has been distributed with the metadata you have submitted:

In any case, “Soul Flora” is not a valid name for the metadata as only full legal names are accepted for compositions and lyrics credits.

  1. I’m afraid we cannot change the key displayed by Beatport and Traxsource, this is something only they have control over (this information isn’t included in the metadata we provide to them).

  2. Your release has been delivered to Juno on 21.12.2023 and there can be some delays for the upload due to the Christmas holidays. I would suggest waiting until early next week to see if it shows up, otherwise please get back to us.



Hi @Carlos.

OK great thanks for this.

Understand regards Juno. I’ll check back in a week or so. Was never a biggie.

Weird one regards key signatures at both Traxsource and Beatport. Because it is actually wrong. But if it cannot be altered it is what it is.

The data for composer really does need changing. This was my first release so apologies if I got it wrong. I do remember struggling with this part of the relesse process. Can I please either have these elements removed entirely or have the names replaced.

Thanks a lot.


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Hey @Alfonce,

Modifications after delivery are only possible with the AMPLIFY+ subscription, so if you are not already subscribed I suggest you do so by following these steps.

If you’re already subscribed, you can request the modification to our team via email :slight_smile:


Hi @Carlos.

I am indeed an Amplify+ customer.

I shall email that request through now.



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