Moving songs from other distributor to iMusician

Im looking for distributor to release my album. I released 2 singles from this album in other distributor: [] and I would like to move these 2 songs from e-muzyka to iMusician with all plays numbers (statistics) Is it possible??

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Hey @PKotar :v:

Thank you for your message.

@Carlos from the iMusician Team will get back to you shortly.

Best regards

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Hello @PKotar,

Yes this is possible :slight_smile: The only things you need to make sure of is:

  1. Keep your ISRC codes in order to preserve your streams and playlist placements;
  2. Make sure that, before you redistribute anything with us, all the songs are taken down from the platforms first (you need to request your previous distributor to do it). Only once the songs are not online anymore will we be able to distribute your tracks.


Carlos, thanks for you reply.

  1. Ok great.
  2. Taking down from platforms takes time, so my songs will be not available on platforms few days or more, before I will distribute by iMusician… It is any solutions to make it asap?

Hello @PKotar,

Unfortunately no as it is not possible to distribute anything that is already online. Unless the takedown has been fully processed by all platforms beforehand, we will not be able to distribute the release(s).


Ok, thank you
If I release album with iMusician and I have 12 song, 10 of them will be released with imusician and 2 from other distributor because this songs are released now. So it is possible to add this 2 songs with my ISRC to my album to have 12 songs?


Hello @PKotar , thanks for your reply!

It is possible but you would need to release the two songs as single first.

What said is valid only until the 2 songs released previously are taken down by the original distributor and then distributed with us. The steps would be:

  1. takedown of the 2 songs
  2. release them as single with iMusician
  3. create the album including the two songs

Hope this helps and all the best


I would like to move my whole album from other distributor to iMusician. I have all ISRCs to songs.
My distributor taking down all my songs.
Should I create an album in iMusician and paste all ISRCs when the album will be taken down?

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Hello @PKotar

Thanks for your message.

You can already create the album with the ISRC numbers via iMusican. Release the album first, once the album has been completely removed from the shops of your previous distributor.

Here you will find further information and how to enter the ISRC numbers and what you need to consider → How do I switch from another music distributor to iMusician? | iMusician



Thank you for informations.

When I uploading song I have info: “This audio file has already been used”.

What it means?

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Hello @PKotar

The error message “This audio file has already been used” indicates that the audio file you are trying to assign to your track is already in your library. This basically means that you are trying to upload the same audio file twice to two different tracks, which is not possible.

Please make sure that you do not have any duplicate tracks (i.e. the same track several times) in your library and that the audio file is only allocated once.



Thank you