My first official realization - Ma première réalisation officielle

Hello enthusiasts, I am French, I live in Paris,
17.02.2023 my first realization "A la recherhce d’un nouveau Lieu" (In search of a new place)
speaks about a journey through the universe in a Chillout atmosphere
to escape and perhaps, to dream ? :blush:

Bonjour les passionnés, je suis Français, je vis à Paris,
17.02.2023 ma première réalisation “A la recherhce d’un nouveau Lieu
parle d’un voyage à travers l’univers dans une ambiance Chillout
pour s’évader et peut-être, rêver ? :blush:

The clip on Youtube - sur Youtube



Hi Keny, amazing dreamy song, on the edge between escape and research, although in me it triggered more my towards new frontiers mood :blush: let the journey continue :smiley:

Hi Andi_Zigon, I listened to your track “The End of a Dream” on Spotify,
I loved the voice of the singer, it’s a wonderful voice. Bravo

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thanks a lot @Keny :blush:

This is an epic track - very ethereal.

Great to see you have so many people engaged on your content in YouTube - did you do anything in particular to grow your engagement?

Hi Si_G and thank you for listen to my track :wink:
For Youtube I just sent the link to friends, to my close relations
and to the people who made the computer graphics for the video clip
and also a link from my Instagram and of course a link from iMusician community
My weak point is that I’m just starting out on social networks,
I’m rather modest about my private life :blush: and so I’m lacking in this area. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey @Keny

Ah yeah, socials are a b*tch right now, I feel like everyone is struggling with algorithm changes on Facebook and even Instagram as Meta fights to make (even) more money from it’s users.

My advice would be to grow on just one platform - find out where your users are and just hit them on that platform - even if it is just growing a YouTube audience.

Thank you for your advice :smiley: :+1: