My music appears under the wrong artist on deezer and apple music/ Missing music on apple music and instagram

2/3 of my releases appear under the wrong artist on apple music.
3/3 of my releases appear under the wrong artist on deezer.

Wrong artist my music appears under: ‎Brut on Apple Music

What it should appear under: ‎BRŪT bei Apple Music

Wrong deezer artist:

What it should appear under: no profile created for the correct one yet.

Other than that, apart from my first release, 2/3 my tracks weren’t uploaded to apple music and instagram. The tracks that are missing on apple music were initially there but got lost while the first track was moved to the correct profile. I have had this issue for 2 months now. The team has explained that this is an issue on the stores’ behalf, but shouldn’t imusician have a dedicated person who is in contact with the stores rather than filling forms and simply praying they correct these types of issues? Support has already sent 2 forms and I waited the 3 weeks correction period twice.

Hi @Debreu

thank you for your message.

@Carlos from the iMusician Team will be in touch with you shortly.

Best regards,


Hello @Debreu,

  1. “2/3 of my releases appear under the wrong artist on apple music.”
    → I need the links to these releases please.

  2. “3/3 of my releases appear under the wrong artist on deezer.”
    → I need the links to these releases please.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Hello Everybody … How do you do that?


apple music: ‘method’ and ‘synkopat’ do not appear at all and are completely missing from apple music & instagram even though they were previously uploaded under the wrong artist.

My first release is online under the correct artists as I have linked above.

Hello @Debreu,

  1. I’ve sent the request to Deezer and the tracks will be moved to a new artist profile in about 2 weeks.

  2. I’m checking with our team what happened with the releases 4066218766141 & 4066218793208 and we will get to you once we have more info.





I’ve just checked and releases 4066218766141 & 4066218793208 are also not uploaded to shazam.

Hey @Debreu

thank you for your message.

@Melani or @Maurizio from the iMusician Team will be in touch with you next week.

Best regards,

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Deezer is now sorted.

2 releases still missing from apple music and shazam.

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Hola @Debreu, we figured it out! Apple Music (Shazam is part) is not accepting Detroit Techno as subgenre. Would you like to have us changed into techno? Awaiting for your response :slight_smile:

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Hi, yes please. I will submit my tracks as techno from now on. Thanks. Also, this does not change anything on spotify or beatport right?



Hi @Debreu

Due to holidays and illness-related absences, there may be some delays at the moment. I mention @Maurizio from the iMusician Team, who will get back to you shortly.

Best regards,


Okay thanks mate.


Hello everyone.
@Debreu Subgenre changed for 4066218766141 and update sent to the shops. This should work :muscle:

1 Like

Cool thanks, the same should be done for 4066218793208 as i stated in the original post and later. Cheers for fast response.


Hello @Debreu,

Spotify has recently become stricter with its guidelines and now requires the real names of contributors. Could you please send me a private message containing these names for each of the two releases?

Thank you.

DM sent.