My Payout Hasn't Come

I have a payout pending and it has not come and it’s been over 30 days. When I request support they sent me here. This is not what I signed up for when I paid for this service. Highly disappointed, can I please receive my money and have someone look into it!

Hello @TheReleaseGroup

Thank you for your message.

If you have at least the Amplify subscription, you can also use the email support.

I’ll mention @carlos from the iMusician Team, who will get back to you shortly to resolve your issue

Best regards,

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Hi @cantheproducer ,

When I bought the service, I paid exactly what was asked on the website and reviewed things carefully in my choosing of iMusician. Now I’m being forced into a subscription to receive support that wasn’t mentioned at the time of buying? This doesn’t make sense. I’m potentially fine with joining a subscription for my next release and will look at the offering, but to receive sensitive information about payouts is a bad way to do business. Please send this customer feedback to whoever is making these decisions.



Everything is explained in detail here → Pricing | iMusician

And it clearly states that the free subscription has no email support. Community support only.

If you have any questions on topics such as payment or similar, you will receive a message from the support team here via DM. Means the sensitive data is protected.

But as already mentioned above, Carlos will contact you tomorrow and your request will then be solved.

Best regards,

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Good to know about DM’s.

Regarding the new plans, if I do the $5/mo will my previous releases be forced to a 5% commission. When I bought I bought the rockstar plan so there should be 0%, will this still be the case for previous releases?


Hello @TheReleaseGroup,

Calm down please. You have not registered any bank details on your account, therefore it’s impossible for us to know on which account we need to transfer the money to…

Please add a valid payout account so we can make the transfer.

Regarding your 2nd question: No, your Rockstar releases will remain at 0% commission.



I am 100% calm. Just initially frustrated with the change in policy.

I now know there are DM’s to protect private information and also that your response time here is similar, just in a public forum. So thank you for the quick response times.

I removed the bank account just yesterday to figure out what was going on. I can try again with the same information, but it may lead to the same result. Any remedies or information that you know would be great!


I added a new payout method, Paypal. Let me know if this works.


I have forwarded the request to our accounting team and we will reach out if needed.

Have a nice day,

Hello @TheReleaseGroup,

The payout has been cancelled and you can now re-request it using your PayPal account.


Thanks Carlos! I re-requested.

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Hi, did you get your money? Because there are so many people out there who have problems with the payouts of iMusician. I’m really thinking about switching my lable because I don’t want to get ripped off… I don’t want to say anything wrong about this label but it looks suspicious for me…

Hi @MCJonazn

vielen Dank für deine Nachricht. Erstmal möchte ich folgendes mitteilen, um Falschmeldungen aus dem Weg zu räumen.

Nicht denken, dass iMusician mit Absicht nicht auszahlt oder so. Es gibt immer irgendwelche Gründe, weshalb ein Payout nicht innerhalb von 30 Tagen ausgezahlt werden kann. Das Team wird sich die Fälle genauestens anschauen, damit die Probleme so schnell als möglich geklärt werden können.

Hast du aktuell ein Problem bei deiner Auszahlung? Falls ja, kannst du das gerne hier mitteilen. Das Team wird sich dein Anliegen dann anschauen.

Viele Grüße

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Hi, vielen Dank für die Nachricht. Nein habe ich nicht, da meine Daten dazu erst im August kommen.
Trotzdem machen mir diese ganzen Meldungen ein mulmiges Gefühl. Ich hoffe es ist klar, dass ich euch nichts unterstellen wollte/will. Bisher bin ich sehr zufrieden und kann mich nicht beschweren!
Ich hoffe, dass man verstehen kann, weshalb man etwas kritischer bei dieser Häufung von Meldungen wird.



Dann ist ja alles gut :v:

Viele Nutzer hier im Forum haben zu diesem Thema leider kein Verständnis, und müssen immer direkt negativ urteilen, statt mal respektvoll und freundlich zu fragen, Hey wieso habe ich meine Auszahlung nicht erhalten? Gibt es ein Problem? Wenn ja, welches, und wie können wir das gemeinsam lösen?

Auf sowas kommen die meisten Nutzer hier nicht, deshalb entstehen diese Missverständnisse und die kritisch zu unrecht gestellten Aussagen.


Jo. Ich versuche immer respektvoll zu sein. Falls es ein Problem geben sollte, werde ich mich melden. Ansonsten bedanke ich mich für die Nachrichten und den Support. LG


Hi MCJonazn,

I have yet to receive my funds on a second attempt, but I am within the window they state it will take so I will report back. I am trying a new payout method (Paypal now) vs my bank account, who knows because its overseas my bank could be the culprit.

So we are clear, I was looking for support on getting the funds not claiming I wouldn’t get them. In rereading my message I can see how it could have been taken that I was not happy about not getting my money and I could have been more clear. My criticism was about having to post in a public forum about funds and bank accounts etc. and the departure from having email support without an additional subscription. I now know they offer DMs which made me feel more comfortable with the approach of a public forum. I also didn’t want THIS exact thing, where everyone is piling on top of each other when I simply wanted support for getting my money on time, now it feels like I’m in an argument with them and having to talk to other customers about it?

Lastly, when I signed up a few years ago we didn’t have to pay a subscription to get email support. I paid quite a bit more than other cheaper companies for my release to avoid subscriptions. They have now changed that which I understand is their right. But at the time with my payout coming late (which was claimed that I didn’t have my bank account information in there, that is untrue; I deleted it trying to get it to work again after the 30 days had gone by in confusion; the support agent may not have known that so its no harm no foul) having to pay more money for support to get my money didn’t sit right at the time and I was definitely not thrilled with it.

Take a look at the thread above and judge for yourself on it, I am still unsure if I will use iMusician again based on this support thread, and being told to ‘calm down please’ ‘therefore it’s impossible’, ‘critically unjustified statements’ feels really passive aggressive when my critique is of the change in policy. Hoping to get the funds using PayPal instead of my bank account soon and will report back.

iMusician, I want to be on your side on this… my objective feedback is being grandfathered in on what we paid originally for is a better approach. That said you don’t have to take my feedback I’m just one customer and understand there is probably a lot more that went into this decision. I also think the DM’s is a great alternative, and knowing that now definitely puts me more at ease.

I also feel text can be taken very out of context and people can read a lot into things that aren’t there. I’m hoping that is the case with the replies to me in which I felt talked down to, and I also hope you can have the grace with me in reading this message. Knowing I am 0% angry, hell I’d like to be on your side on this once the money hits my account and we can chalk it up to a disgruntled legacy customer over a new support system. Happens all the time.

Good luck with your decision on distributor and hope your release goes well, sorry you got caught in a cross fire @MCJonazn


Hi @TheReleaseGroup ,
firstly I want to thank you for your detailled message. It was really interesting for me to read it and it made your position more clear and understandable than before. Secondly I can understand that someone can get mad when the support says something which is obviously not true. I really hope that you will get your money but if you have to wait more or if you don’t get your money then please let us/me know because it is really important to know something like this as an artist who has no big fanbase and who pays a lot of money for his music label. I don’t want to judge the prices because it’s just normal to make minus at the start of your career. I don’t want to say anything which isn’t true but one for sure: if I will have the same problems or you over and over again, then it’s important to speak with the CEOs of iMusician because we don’t really know, could be any problem yk?
Really hoping to can stay longer here because I’m really happy with the conditions of the Amplify+ subscription.
And please don’t worry: everything is fine✌️
Have a nice day!

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Hello @MCJonazn and @TheReleaseGroup,

I would like to clarifiy something regarding payout requests, which I think you haven’t really mentionned in your exchange :

It’s important to know each bank/account provider reserves the right to apply different fees and conditions when it comes to transactions.

Whether you are out of the European union (as it is the case apparently with @TheReleaseGroup) or if the amount of your payout is too low compared to the amount of fee you need to pay to receive the payout, these factors can impact the normal 30 business days delay and are unfortunately specific to each bank/account provider which we cannot anticipate. This is why it is very important that you familiarize yourself with your bank/account provider’s conditions before requesting a payout to us (or any transaction with any service actually).

Rest assured, we are doing our best to send you the money on time, but we kindly ask you to understand that there are multiple factors at stake which we (or our CEOs @MCJonazn) unfortunately don’t always have control over.

Hope this helps you understand the situation a little bit better :slight_smile:


Happy to report back I received the money today in my PayPal account.