Need to add music with another artist name to my Spotify artist page

I have 3 releases. One of them is linked to my Spotify Artist Account, using my real name.

There are 2 releases from previous years with an artist name that I don’t use anymore. Can you please help me link them to my Spotify Artist Account? Apparently you are the ones who need to send this information to Spotify. These are the releases:


Thank you in advance for contacting me.

Kind regards


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Hello @dragi

Thanks for your message.

@Carlos will get back to you shortly.



Hey @dragi,

Unfortunately it’s not possible for us to change the artist on releases that are already online. If you need to change this, you’ll have to request a takedown of your old releases, wait 4 weeks and then recreate them under your new artist name.

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Thank you @Carlos . Just to make sure I understand: If I do that it would appear as it is a release from. 2023? Thank you.

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Hello @dragi

If you don’t follow my instructions, it will appear as a 2023 release. When creating the release, you can enter the original release date under the 2 Release tab. If you scroll down at 2 Release you will find the item “Optional”. Then click on edit. → Then move on to the following sentence “Have you released this previously, either physically or digitally”? Then select “Yes” and enter the original release date :slight_smile:

@Carlos you can correct me if I’m wrong :wink:



Couldn’t have explained it better @cantheproducer :+1: