New Prices for Distribution so confusing

I don’t understand for your new prices for distributing a song. If I pay $10 for one your packages do I have to pay extra for distribution?

And if I pay $10 for distributing in a month is for one song or multiple.

Your packages are so confusing. So explain?

Hello @AlmightyBillionaire

Thanks for your message.

The new subscription plans have been available since January 2023.

If you choose the Amplify+ monthly subscription, you pay $10 per month. In addition, there are the fees per single, EP or album. For a single it’s a one-time fee of $9, for an EP it’s $15 and for an album it’s $20.

The $10 is the cost for the subscription. You can read about the advantages of the subscription here → Pricing | iMusician. This means, regardless of the subscription, there are one-time fees for each release.

e.g. you want to release a single next month. That would be $9 for your single + $10 for the Amplify+ subscription.

If you want to order two or three singles in the same month, you pay 3x $9 (9$ per single) + $10 for the Amplify+ monthly subscription.


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@cantheproducer so wat if the next month I don’t want to continue the $10 subscription, and I want to release a song, can I just only pay $9 for the release and discontinue the subscription.

If i decide not subscibe to any of your plans. can I only pay $9 for the release and not pay for any subscription?

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You can also publish songs without using a paid subscription. That would be the free subscription, which you automatically have if you don’t have a paid subscription.

Then you would only pay the $9 for the single.


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