No commision

I now have quite a few titles on Imusician.
I have always paid the price not to have any commission taken from the streaming.
But I see now there could be a 10% commission.
Could you confirm that I am still receiving my full steaming commission.
Thank you,

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Hello @Julien

Thanks for your message.

Which subscription is currently in your dashboard? What does it say?


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THis is the free
But I have always paid more when issuing a title

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Hmm okay :thinking: I mention @Maurizio from the team.

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THank you,
We are in a rush because the movie is getting out today and we need to promote the hub…
Moreover, there is one release missing from my artist : prophet mountains we had no model and we also need a hub for Friday this week.
Plaese help us

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Hey @Julien,

what is the title of the release missing from your Artist Hub?
Regarding the commission, everything that you distributed with 0% taken, will stay like that forever. What changes since we launched the new subscription model, is that any new releases distributed under the free tier will have 10% commission applied. If you decide to upgrade, the new commission will be in place as long as you keep the subscription. We can find more details here, together with our current promotion :slight_smile:


Hello Maurizio,

The title is We Had No Model, and for this release page, I paid the full price at the time with the label subscription.
Please, would you give the link, with the spotify, deezer , etc… ?

Another thing is that you do not allow to delete the release that we decide not to use, so would you be so kind to delete them for me ?

Looking forward ti your reply,

Kind regards,


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Hello @Julien

Thanks for your message.

@Maurizio will get back to you here shortly. You can expect an answer next week. No one from the Team works on weekends.



Hello @Julien,

Here’s you link :slight_smile:
Could you please clarify your last point? Do you want me to delete some releases from your dashboard (this for example) or from your Release Page?