Pago fallido

Se me ha cancelado el pago de un tema y quiero reanudarlo.
Ya he actualizado los datos de la targeta pero a la hora de querer reanudarlo me pone que la cantidad es 0 euros. Asi que el tema está pendiente de pago. Como lo puedo hacer? Me lo pueden volver a cobrar automaticamente?

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Hello @judithrovira

Thanks for your message.

@Kuo or @Melani will get back to you shortly.


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Hi there @cantheproducer and @judithrovira :slight_smile:
Please always check the section of invoices: iMusician

However, I deleted your failed invoice and you can now proceed to pay with confirming the features chosen in your release. If the payment error happens again, I d suggest you to try with another payment method.
Crossing my fingers and all the best!