Partage de revenus avec Starter

J’ai une question concernant le partage de revenus entre compositeurs lorsqu’on reste sur la formule “starter”. Je comprends que la fonction “revenue split” est réservée aux abonnés amplify. Si j’ajoute le nom d’un co-compositeur sans disposer de la fonction “revenue split”, que va-t-il se passer en termes de paiement ? Il semble impossible de répartir les pourcentages de revenus (or, dans le cas qui me concerne, nous ne sommes pas du tout à 50/50). Est-ce que je vais recevoir les fonds, charge à moi de redistribuer à mon collaborateur la proportion qui lui revient ?
Merci beaucoup, d’avance.

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hi @Gabriel78 , esactly, please find more about revenue splits here:

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Thank you very much, Andy, for your reply.
However, the page you refer to is about “revenue splits”. I don’t have access to “revenue splits”, since I don’t have an “amplify” or “amplify +” subscription. I am a “starter”. Therefore, I haven’t found the answer to my question. Here is my question : if I add another composer to a song, what will happen ? Since it is NOT possible to inform imusician that he is supposed to receive 10% of the money, am I supposed to receive everything and then give him back what he is supposed to get ? Is it the way it will work ? Or will the money be automatically shared half / half between him and me ?
Thank you very much in advance.

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hi @Gabriel78 , yes, with starter you will receive the money and then you can give back to whom is entitled :v:

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Thank you for your reply. Everything is clear, then.

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