Payé mais pas de sortie apparente sur mon compte

Bonjour, j’ai payé ma sortie pour un album, et je n’ai pas reçu de mail de confirmation. Sur mon compte ce n’est pas non plus indiqué que ça a été pris en compte. C’est seulement sur mon compte bancaire que ça a été comptabilisé. Voici le mail du compte :
Meeci de votre réponse !


Hello @Robin11

Thanks for your message.

Please do not share personal information such as email addresses in the community. :slight_smile:

@Fabiola or @Melani will get back to you shortly.

You can expect an answer next week. No one from the Team works on weekends.


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Hello Can, okay i will be carefull, and thank you !


Hi @Robin11, thanks for your message!

I can see the last release was published in December 2023 and it is successfully online. Could you please specify your inquiry? Here the link to your last album:

Awaiting for your response and all the best,


Hi, its not the same arstist acount. I am also part of a group named Jaqamaz. And i created the account with an other email and i payed the realase. Its for Jaqamaz that we have a problem. We payed but nothing is register on the account for the realase.
Thank you for your answer.

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We planned to release the album for the 7 june because we have an important concert at this moment. Will it be possible for this date ?

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Hello @Robin11

@Melani or @Carlos will get back to you shortly.

You can expect an answer next week. No one from the Team works on weekends.


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Hello Can, thank you for your answer. The deadline for our release was too close, so we choosed to do it an other way. There is just the point of the 40euros we payed the 2 of may. How can we be refunded ?
Thank’s a lot
Robin and Jaqamaz

Hey @Robin11, the release 7610096060067 is already planned for 07.06.2024 as you can see here:

The 40€ you paid corresponds to the distribution fee for the album (20€) and the custom label name (20€), Those fees are normal, what exactly are you expecting a refund for ?

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Hello, thank’s for your answer.
We had uploading everything, but no mail of confirmation or anything else. So we tried to do it again but it was saying « dublicated file » because we had already upload the songs. And we couldnt find any upload songs on our page. The « Terre Intime » release was empty.

Is the album gonna be realeased ? Because we didnt receive any mail of confirmation and « Terr intime » album is empty on our Imusician page.