Payment pending since Nov 16 2023

this payment is more than a 30 days late, i didn’t get any message from imusician, i just need to check it every week and hope i eventually get paid. Please solve this and let me know why it would take more than 30 days, i can help you gather any verification you might need to it doesnt happen every month.

Hello @yotamp

Thanks for your message.

@Melani or @Carlos will get back to you next week. No one from the Team works on weekends.



A post was merged into an existing topic: We are making the updates, but we are unable to send them

Hey @yotamp,

If your payout is still “Pending” after 30+ business days, it means that some additional verifications need to be made in order to validate the transaction.

I’m looking into it with our team and I’ll get back to you once I have more info. For now, thank you for your patience.


hey carlos, can you explain what that actually means? I have been receiving payouts from imusician for years now, how come there are suddenly these additional verifications?

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That’s what I’m looking into with our team. As I told you, I’ll get back to you once I have more info :+1:


still awaiting info.

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Your request is being taken care of by our team, please be patient. Again; I’ll get back to you once there’s an update on this matter.


when should i expect an update? and please before you tell me to be patient, waiting for money im owed for over 2 months is in fact, me being patient.


I don’t know yet unfortunately, but don’t worry, you will be contacted when that’s the case. I know very well that you are being patient and we really appreciate it so thank you for your diligence.

Best regards,


hey carlos, im going to need some sort of update regarding my payments. not receiving the payment on time already messed up my monthly earnings for january, and i fear its going to happen with the next payout as well.

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Hey @yotamp,

I understand, but I don’t have any update yet. I will let you know when I do.


can you promise me this will be solved this month, or at least give me some sort of information about the payment issue? this is money i depend on in order to exist. if you cant, and are saying this could take an unlimited amount of time to solve, ill have to look elsewhere as far as music publishing.

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We’re on it. I’ll get back to you when I have an update.


Hey @yotamp,

Your payout has been paid since 20.12.2023… I’ve sent you the transaction details via Private Message.