Phone contact (also for a fee)

Hi, I had a PRO account. Now I don’t have it anymore. They tell me to read a guide for “Help” from the platform, but that “Help” activity is not active and I don’t understand how to get in direct contact (even by phone) with an operator, even for a fee.

Thank you

Hey @MatteoPavanello, the email support is only available to our AMPLIFY or AMPLIFY+ users (they have access to the “Help” section). Our Free users must ask their questions here on the Community Forum to get some help :slight_smile:

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Hi Carlos, very strange indeed. Your support on Friday, May 10, 2024 at 11:31 am wrote: “We can transfer entire record releases (not tracks only) from one account to another and we would need the following information:
-email associated with the account containing the releases
-email associated with the account to which you wish to transfer the releases
-a written and signed agreement between the parties."

Now, after transferring a track I am told that I have to make a paid subscription. It’s not so much the paid subscription but the fact that the support doesn’t even know how many months of subscription I have to pay. They responded to me like this, “One month should be enough for us to complete the transfer process.”

what if it is not? what if one month is not enough? how much do I have to pay?

Thank you

Ciao @MatteoPavanello, ti ho appena risposto con delle possibili soluzioni per te.

Il support via e-mail è dedicato a coloro che hanno un abbonamento attivo. ​Spero che le mie informazioni ti saranno utili e ti auguro una buona giornata!

​Un caro saluto,