Pitching to spotify, single vs EP

Hi there, I have 5 songs I’m going to be releasing before the end of year. I read that you can only pitch one song to Spotify at a time. My plan is to pitch single #1 and then once that is released pitch single #3 (which will be coming out four weeks after single #1). Are there any other restrictions on pitching to Spotify, like having to wait a certain amount of time in between pitches? I saw someone say 4-6 weeks but I’m not sure if that’s accurate or not.

I will be packaging this as an EP (four weeks after single #3) and adding two new songs (#4 and #5) to the EP. I assume I can submit one of song #4 or #5 to Spotify playlists when I do this?

For creating my custom label for Beatport/Traxsource, will I get information about how to do that when I pay & submit my first single, or can I start applying for that now already?

Lastly, I would be interested to hear about what other platforms offer playlist pitching - Deezer, Amazon Music, Beatport, and of course iMusician!


Hi James,

Thanks for your message.

In my knowledge and experience, yes you can pitch 1 song at a time (only if Spotify is aware of one release, if they know about 2 of them you’ll not be able to pitch one of them, that happened to me). I never heard of a delay between two pitch, the only time you need to be careful of is the one about the date of the delivery to be able to pitch.
To me, your idea is possible and good!

Read this article to know everything about label for Beatport and Traxsource:

Hum I never found anything about other plartforms doing the same as Spotify.
As for iMusician, you can submit any track here:


Thanks @eriahummingbird !

I read the Beatport/Traxsource article, do you or anyone else know if submitting the label name, image & soundcloud link happens during the upload process of my track, or is there someone at iMusician I should be emailing it to first?

I will definitely check out the iMusician playlists once I have some songs released :slight_smile:

Once your release is paid, you should receive a Google form to complete to send all the information needed for the creation of your label there.

If you don’t receive it, let us know!


Great, thanks for your assistance @eriahummingbird !