Preparing for a album release with pre-released singles

Hello dear community,
I want to distribute a whole album for release, this will only be due to Februar 2025,
nonetheless we plan to release 2 singles out of this album for about 3 weeks prehand.
For PR matters we were asked to get all the ISRC codes in advance for whole the tracks of the album.
1st single: 15.01.25
2nd single: 04.02.25
whole album: 21.02.25

my question is:

  • In what way can I start sending it to distribution for the singles to appear first (on the days of their release) and later when the album will be released - for the singles to be part of the whole album and do not appear separately ?

thanks for the support!


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Hello @Uzimillian

For me it is possible. I tag the iMusician support to help @Maurizio and @Melani

any help with this ???

so far I sent the whole album to distribution so we already have the ISRC codes.
I would like to send seperate single from that release

What I did so far is opening 2 drafts for the singles.
Both of them were created from the page of album which is ‘in quality check’, pressing ‘Distribute’ and continuing with distributing a single song form teh whole album - can someone confirm it is the right way ?
again - want to prevent redundant appearing on the artist page once the album is out.
So long as the singles are out - they appear
separately and once the album is out - they merge under the full album


@Melani @Carlos @Juan @JJ_JJ

Maybe you can confirm it is done correctly ?
SO in my case I did it other way round - first sent do distribution the full album and then - out of the album distributed 2 seperate tracks. Now looking at my tracks in library it is looking like this, showing the first 2 tracks are part of 2 releases: 1. the single 2. the album.
Its little confusing cause the title track of the album is sent once to distribution as a single and later will appear in the album.


Hello @Uzimillian, I checked your account and can see that you paid for the release:
4069493142693 (album).

If you want to release the singles first, you must complete the orders by selecting a prior release date and using the button Include from the library when uploading the track inside the release. Please note that if you do not complete the orders, your releases will not be distributed.

Hope this helps and have a great day!

All the best,

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Hi @Melani
thanks the answer Im afraid it is still not quiet clear how to do that.
can you send a step by step explanation more accurate ? I explained how I created the 2 new drafts for each singles. they appear like this (screenshot), should I delete them and start new ?
I hope sending the full album first to distribution did not complicate things. I t was the wish of the PR to have ISRC codes for all tracks to begin their work


Screen Shot 2024-12-26 at 19.25.34 copy


ok I think I just sent it now to distribution the 2 singles.
can you please confirm on your side ?
thank you!


Hey there @Uzimillian , replied you via email :slight_smile:

Talk soon!

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