Problem mit der Bezahlung


Ich möchte die Pitching für Spotify machen aber steht noch auf der Web “warten auf Bezahlung.
Ich habe schon alles bezahlt plus AMPLIFY+

Was soll ich novh machen?

Hey @SamurayKuba
I can see that the invoice is still pending - I’ll reach out to you in private so we don’t divulge any sensitive information.

Hey, Sie haben mir gerade dreimal das Gleiche berechnet. Bitte überprüfen Sie das, weil alles von meiner Kreditkarte kommt und ich es sehe

Hey @SamurayKuba
As mentioned via our other communication thread, this has been communicated to our accounting department and you’ll be refunded.

Hello @SamurayKuba,

thanks for your patience.
We are checking what might have happened here. Our accounting department is having a look at it right now and you should receive a cash refund shortly.

Regarding the pitching to Spotify, I see that you’ve never selected that option. Here’s a quick guide on how to get that with no efforts :slight_smile:

I wanted to help and make that happen anyway, but we noticed that the info on the artwork do not match the metadata. Since you are an Amplify+ subscriber, you are entitled to a direct contact with our support. Here’s how.
Please send us the new artwork at your earliest convenience and we will do our best to get your delivery on Spotify for Artists before the release date.

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@SamurayKuba refund done :tada:

Yes, now! I already saw the money, now they need to send my song to do the pitching with the same artwork that it has and no other!

Hello @SamurayKuba,

glad you received your money back.
Regarding the pitching request, we had to put your release on hold because the info on the artwork do not match with the metadata. I’m sending you a DM so we can sort this out easily.