Problem of report missing year 2000

Hi there,

I’m working for the label Musimagik and there is some report missing from my last release (Lou ! Sonata, Vol. 1) in november 2000.
November 2000 et December 2000 are missing.
Could you send it to me or tell me how to get it ?

Best regards,

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Hello @adrienjob

The support iMusician is closed the week-end. I tag @Carlos to give you info about the missing report.

A2D :wink::ok_hand:


Thanks a lot, i can wait until tommorow no problem !


Hey @adrienjob,

I’m sorry but I’m not sure I understand your question; there is only one release on your account and it’s dated 30.11.2020, not 2000.

Is this the release you are referring to ?

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Hi Carlos,

Yes 2020 not 2000.

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There is no report for november and december 2020 in my account.

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Hi @Carlos,

Have you figure out how i can get my report of november 2020 and december 2020 for my release Lou ! Sonata Vol, 1.

Best regards,


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Everything is on my pro account now.
Thanks @Carlos for your help.

Best regards,
